Ginny Hurst

Ginny has spent her entire life in the Chicago area. She was raised in a close knit and loving family along with her four brothers and one sister. In 1979 she and her late husband, George, bought their first house in Northbrook and began attending North Suburban Church shortly after. It was under the preaching of Pastor Wayne Lehsten that Ginny truly understood the path to salvation and gave her life to Christ. Over the years she has been involved in children’s ministries including teaching Sunday School and AWANA, as well as Women’s Ministries, Bible Studies, and Life Groups.

Ginny just retired from a 48 year career in the grocery industry. She has worked in many different capacities, most recently HR. She is excited to see how God will use her in this next chapter of life.

Ginny is thrilled that her adult children, Becca, Cara, and Tyler and their families, all live in the area. She is able to spend lots of time with her five grandchildren and grand dog! In her spare time, you can see Ginny walking all over Northbrook connecting with her fellow dog walking friends. She is also anxious to have more time for working in the yard, reading, and travel.