North Sub MobilePack
to Apr 5

North Sub MobilePack


Feed My Starving Children is a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to packing meals that feed hungry children around the world. This year, North Sub will be partnering with Feed My Starving Children to host a MobilePack in our building. To learn more about these MobilePack events, click here.

On April 4-5, North Sub will host five packing shifts in order to pack over 100,000 meals total. Gather your friends and family and sign up for one or more shifts at

For any questions, please contact Elizabeth Sammann.


On-site parking on Saturday, April 5 will be extremely limited. North Sub members and friends, please consider carpooling and parking across the Lake Cook/Waukegan intersection in the Deerbrook Shopping Center to make room for our guests to park on-site.

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CraftWorks Retreat
to Apr 27

CraftWorks Retreat

  • Google Calendar ICS

Ladies CraftWorks Retreat

Friday, April 25 (4pm) – Sunday, April 27, 2025 (11am)

Salvation Army Wonderland Camp & Conference Center
9241 Camp Lake Rd.
Salem, WI 53168-9305

Ladies of all ages, you are invited to join us for some extended time to work on those projects you’ve been meaning to work on (photo-sorting, card-making, computer clean-up, knitting, embroidery, diamond dots, etc.), all while enjoying fellowship with other women!

Our reserved building at the camp has a large gathering space with a fireplace and plenty of tables and chairs for projects, as well as a small kitchen, two large bathrooms (towels provided), and bedrooms with real beds with linens (not bunks!). Meals are at set times, but the rest is yours to use as you wish! The cost is $160 for the 2 nights and meals. Or, come up Saturday only for $35 (includes lunch and dinner). Register here by April 6!

Contact Dawn for questions.

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MEGA Sports Camp
to Jun 20

MEGA Sports Camp

June 16-20, 5:30pm - 8:00pm $50/camper for the week

Our theme at MEGA Sports Camp this year is “In Your Element.” At MEGA Sports Camp, kids will be invited to discover what it looks like to be in their element—to be who Jesus has made them to be in sports, life, and faith! They’ll enjoy dinner every night with their team and coaches, action-packed sports training sessions as well as fun rallies with great music and teaching from the Bible.

Grades K-5 (completed): Kids choose one main activity for the week: basketball, soccer, gym games (a variety), cheerleading, or journalism.

Ages 3-5 (by June 1): Kids will enjoy a different sport each day as well as crafts, activities, and a group rally time with singing and stories from the Bible.

Dinner is Included! Menu TBD. If there are dietary concerns, kids are free to bring their own dinner.

Register here by June 2, 2025. More details to come!

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Preparing, Planting, Reaping: Lessons from Paris (Option 2)
10:00 AM10:00

Preparing, Planting, Reaping: Lessons from Paris (Option 2)

Join us in the café at North Sub Church for fellowship, Bible study, and the opportunity to hear from one of our Global Partners about her ministry overseas!

This event will occur twice in order to accomodate as many schedules as possible. Please consider joining us either Monday, February 10 at 7pm or Tuesday, February 11 at 10am!

More details to come.

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Preparing, Planting, Reaping: Lessons from Paris (Option 1)
7:00 PM19:00

Preparing, Planting, Reaping: Lessons from Paris (Option 1)

Join us in the café at North Sub Church for fellowship, Bible study, and the opportunity to hear from one of our Global Partners about her ministry overseas!

This event will occur twice in order to accomodate as many schedules as possible. Please consider joining us either Monday, February 10 at 7pm or Tuesday, February 11 at 10am!

More details to come.

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Project Share
8:30 AM08:30

Project Share

During Project Share each year, we gather in our building to assemble large laundry baskets full of food for under-resourced families in the Chicagoland area. We distribute these baskets by partnering with about 13 local organizations that have direct contact with these families. Sunset Foods orders the food for us at their own cost. We plan to pack 1,440 baskets again this year!

We are pleased to announce that we met our $70,000 fundraising goal for 2024! Thank you so much to all who have pledged and donated!

We now turn our attention to getting the food into the hands of our ministry partners for delivery to families. Mark your calendars for these important dates:

  • Consider helping us with setup on Thursday, November 21 from 3-6pm.

  • Join us to pack baskets on Saturday, November 23 at 8:30am!

We are looking for volunteers to sign up for specific roles (not including basket carriers). To sign up for a specific role, click here!

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Fall Fest
3:00 PM15:00

Fall Fest

Bring your family and join us on the back lawn for Fall Fest on Saturday, October 26! Activities will include a petting zoo, pony rides, and a photo booth. Bring your neighbors and friends! Contact Lydia, our Kids’ Event Coordinator, with questions.

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Craftworks Retreat
to Oct 13

Craftworks Retreat

  • Google Calendar ICS

Women of all ages are welcome to join us for a Craftworks Retreat at the Wonderland Camp & Conference Center in Salem, WI, from Friday, October 11th at 4pm to Sunday, October 13th at 11am!

This retreat will include extended time to work on projects of your choosing — photo-sorting, card-making, knitting, embroidery, computer cleanup, etc., alongside other women. Meals will be provided.

The cost for the full weekend is $113. You may choose to join on Saturday only for $23 (lunch and dinner included). Register here by Monday, September 23. Contact Dawn at with any questions.

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God's Gift of Rest Women's Retreat
8:30 AM08:30

God's Gift of Rest Women's Retreat

  • Trinity International University Waybright Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

God’s Gift of Rest - “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29

Special guest speaker: Sharon Whited, MSW, LCSW - White Stone Resources

In our busy lives, rest eludes us. Listen to Sharon’s teaching on WHY we rest, WHAT is rest and HOW do we rest. Enjoy table discussions and opportunities to practice rest in different forms during our break out sessions. Learn more about breakout sessions here!

Date: October 5, 2024 Time: 8:30 am - 3:00 pm. (A light breakfast and lunch will be included)

Location: Waybright Center, Trinity International University.

Early Bird Registration Price: $25 through 9/12. After 9/12, Price: $35. Register by 9/29!

Scholarships are available. To donate to the church’s scholarship fund that will help eliminate barriers that may keep other women from coming, click here, then select “Scholarship Fund” from the fund drop-down menu.

Contact Ginny Hurst with questions.

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Membership Info Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

Membership Info Meeting

Church membership is one of the means God has ordained for a believer to gain affirmation of their status in Christ! If not yet a member, we'd love for you to consider applying for membership. Join us for our next Membership Info Meeting after service in the café on Sunday, September 15.

To learn more about membership or becoming a member, contact Maggie to register or with questions. A light lunch will be served and childcare is provided.

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Newcomer Lunch
12:00 PM12:00

Newcomer Lunch

Do you know how our staff team is structured? What we believe? Why we plan our worship services the way we do? What ministries are active?

Learn about all these and more over lunch in the Café with Pastor Tim on Sunday, August 25. Whether you've been coming for two weeks or two years, we'd love to see you! Light lunch will be served and childcare is provided. Contact Karen with questions or to register.

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Caris Diaper Drive
to Sep 1

Caris Diaper Drive

  • North Suburban Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are in the process of shifting our annual diaper drive for our Local Partner, Caris, from December to May! This year's drive will run from August 4th through September 1st. Next year's drive will take place in April/May of 2025. They are in need of all sizes!

Caris is an apolitical Christian nonprofit pregnancy counseling organization in the Chicagoland area. The ministry's unwavering commitment and mission is to help women and children thrive during and after unplanned pregnancy. Caris journeys with women and provides support from conception to age five. 

Caris' licensed masters-level counselors offer mental health support to provide a safe space for women and couples who are navigating complex emotions surrounding an unplanned pregnancy. 

Caris' clients receive free professional counseling and essential resources for moms, babies and children to help them become better parents and co-parenting adults. Additionally, clients are offered workshops, connection groups, and access to a host of community resources. The approach is unique: Caris serves by grace with love no matter what decision is made. We trust God to do the work that we are incapable of doing in our own strength. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

If you have questions contact Allie Johnson.

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Women's Summer Bible Study
10:00 AM10:00

Women's Summer Bible Study

”May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”  Romans 15:13

Have the struggles of life, failures, guilt, inferiority, or circumstances robbed you of the hope promised in scripture? Join other women of the church as we see how God loves, redeems, restores, protects, and uses even the most flawed misfits and outsiders. May it be an encouragement to you as we do the book study “Never Beyond Hope”. The book can be purchased for $9 through church when registering, or on your own.

Registration is now closed. This four week bible study is on Tuesdays beginning July, 9. Childcare available. Contact with questions.

Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30, 10-11:30am

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Church Picnic
12:00 PM12:00

Church Picnic

Whenever there is a fifth Sunday in a month, we like to set aside some time to fellowship together as a church family. Join us after the family service at Brickyards Park and share a meal together! Reminder to dress-down for service! Bring a side dish or dessert to share and if you’d like, a blanket or lawn chairs. Church will provide burgers, hot dogs, and bottled water. Help cleaning up around 1:30 is greatly appreciated (remember to take home your leftovers).

Contact the office with questions. We hope to see you there!

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to Jun 21


June 17-21, 5:30pm - 8:00pm $50/camper for the week

Every athlete loves to win! At MEGA Sports Camp, kids will discover how to become trailblazers—in sports, life and faith. They’ll enjoy dinner every night with their team and coaches, action-packed sports training sessions as well as fun rallies with great music and teaching from the Bible. 

Grades K-5 (completed): Kids choose one main activity for the week:  basketball, soccer, gym games (a variety), cheerleading, or journalism.

Ages 3-5 (by June 1): Kids will enjoy a different sport each day as well as crafts, activities, and a group rally time with singing and stories from the Bible.

Dinner Is Included! Menu TBD. If there are dietary concerns, kids are free to bring their own dinner.

Friday Night: Our last night will be “Friday Night Family Night” on June 21. Bring the whole family for dinner, rally, and to see your kids in action. Then join us outside for more fun!

Registration is is now closed. Contact Beth with questions or to volunteer.

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Congregational Business Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

Congregational Business Meeting

Join us after Worship Service in the Sanctuary for a Congregational Business Meeting. All are welcome! Members will vote to approve the Jan 28, 2024 Annual Business Meeting Minutes and several prospective new members, and we will receive ministry and financial reports.

Light lunch (suggested $5 donation) and childcare provided.

Contact Karen with questions.

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Your Mental Health Matters: How God Views our Minds and Emotions
8:30 AM08:30

Your Mental Health Matters: How God Views our Minds and Emotions

Women, have you ever struggled with anxiety, feeling down, fighting addiction, or a sense that you are wired differently? Do you have friends or family with mental health challenges and need help knowing how best to support them? Come join us in the North Sub gym on Saturday, May 4, as our wonderful Sarah Nonnenmacher, LCPC, teaches us more about mental health challenges and what God really thinks about them. Sarah is not only a licensed mental health counselor who specializes in eating disorders, but she has a deep scriptural knowledge and will help us understand mental health as God sees it. In addition to Sarah's teaching, we'll have a panel discussion with women in our congregation sharing their own journeys; time for personal reflection; and small group discussion.

A light breakfast and lunch will be provided. Please feel free to bring a friend! 

Registration is now closed. For questions, please contact Elizabeth Sammann at

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Putt-Putt Palooza
5:30 PM17:30

Putt-Putt Palooza

Bring the whole family - and invite your friends - to Putt Putt Palooza! Dinner will be available and then your family can complete all (or some) of the putt putt holes that will be set up throughout the church.

It’s not to late to register now! We are looking for volunteers to help with dinner and/or manning putt putt stations. Contact Beth if you can help. Also, if anyone has any golf putters we can borrow for the evening, let Beth know.

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CraftWorks Retreat
to Apr 14

CraftWorks Retreat

  • Wonderland Camp and Conference Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All ladies are invited to a Craft Retreat at The Salvation Army Wonderland Camp and Conference Center!

Participants bring something from their to-do list to work on such as a knitting or sewing project, making cards, sorting pictures, etc. It's a great time to get something finished, get to know other women better and if you'd like, spend time walking the trails.

Meals are scheduled but otherwise each person sets their own agenda.

Registration is now closed. Contact Dawn if you have questions.

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Membership Info Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

Membership Info Meeting

Church membership is one of the means God has ordained for a believer to gain affirmation of their status in Christ! If not yet a member, we'd love for you to consider applying for membership. Join us for our next Membership Info Meeting after service in the café on Sunday, April 7.

To learn more about membership or becoming a member, contact Karen to register or with questions. A light lunch will be served and childcare is provided.

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Guess Who's Coming To Dinner - Easter Edition!
12:00 PM12:00

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner - Easter Edition!

Do you have extra space at your Easter table? Are you not able to travel home this holiday? Take this opportunity to get to know other adults from North Sub with food, fellowship, and fun!

If you are interested in attending or hosting a potluck meal, or if you have questions, contact the church office, or Mike Scott.

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