The Way


From September 12th until late November, we will be exploring Mark 8:22-10:52 from the pulpit. This section of Mark’s gospel is where we find the core of Jesus’ teachings for his disciples as He prepares them for what will happen in Jerusalem. Watch below as Pastor Tim explains the series, and then read more below!


Why Mark 8:22-10:52?

Though we are living almost 2000 years after Jesus ascended into heaven, we are his disciples! We are followers of His, aiming to become more like Him. So when he instructs His disciples regarding what it means to follow Him, we do well to listen!

Why “The Way”?

Before Jesus’ disciples were known as Christians, they were known as “those who belong to the Way” (Acts 9:2). Not only does Jesus lay out “the way” of discipleship in His teaching (the term is used five times in this section of Mark’s gospel), but He makes Himself known as The Way, the only path to the Father (John 14:6).

Why This Fall?

This fall, we are emphasizing discipleship as a church. We kicked off September by rolling out our churchwide discipleship plan (five years in the making) and by inviting everyone in the church to take the Fall ’21 Challenge – a challenge to get discipled and to disciple others. In conjunction with these initiatives, what better place to go in scripture than to Jesus’ instructions to His disciples on the road to His death?

How to Participate

  • Read the sermon text in advance of the weekly sermon (find the sermon text on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or in our Worship Guidance emails on Saturdays).

  • Join us on Sunday mornings, and watch those you missed online.

  • Participate in at least one of the following to go deeper with your own discipleship:

  • Listen to our theme song for the series and read Maggie’s explanation of why it fits.

Further Reading

You may notice the following influences on the sermons in this series. All of these are great resources as we challenge each other to grow as followers of Jesus!